Thursday, February 23, 2012

3d printing and copyrights

Combining ideas from two previous posts, one on 3d printing of weapons and the other on intellectual property, Slate has a useful article that says most physical objects would not fall under the same copyright law as IP.

I think this would be a fine line and I imagine several companies will try to change that law.

Specific to my previous post, I imagine many gun manufacturers such as Beretta would be mad if 3d printers were used to create spare parts or completely new replica guns, but perhaps I'm wrong. More broadly, while Slate only addresses US law, this is an interesting spot for Latin American copyright law. Are 3d objects covered? Does it vary country-by-country?

If this does become an issue, will the trade agreements between the US and Latin American countries require modifications to address copyright violations via 3d printers, or would it already be covered under existing agreements?

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